ARTECS has collaborated for several years with various companies specialized in safety and sensitive sites, identifying and providing efficient and innovative solutions.
EMERALD HILL Lda. in Lisbon is our sister company trading and consulting company dedicated to aviation and high tech solutions.
Artificial Intelligence Drones & Cameras
Face Recognition & Plate Recognition​
Built in Artificial Intelligence software and preloaded data base on each drone allows real-time processing on video stream and sends immediate alerts with highest accuracy results.
Surveillance and Topographic Drones
To perform all kind of mission to control traffic, but also for surveillance within the suburbs and traffic accidents’ reporting.
IA with face & Plate recognition and mass counting
The algorithm is processed in the field (in the drone) and the camera operator gets all the information in a tablet in real time.
Thermal Imager & Binocular
High Resolution Thermal Imager for Mobile Operations
Multi-purpose observation and reconnaissance device for demanding law-enforcement missions. Uniques combinations of features and specifications makes these cameras an essential tool for observation tasks.
Remote targets can be measured and localized via the integrated GPS and digital magnetic compass.
Binocular OLED viewfinder, users can capture observation situations within a very short time. Thanks to automatic or manual brightness and contrast adjustment, all details are precisely visible in the displayed image.
Users and fields of application
Police, special forces, border guard, customs, security services
Intelligence, investigation, site protection and surveillance
Disaster relief organisations , SAR missions, mountain rescue